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Crying alone does not show that you are weak but it shows that you are strong.



Sadness is a physiologically necessary adaptive response to loss. Death, breakups, our children growing up, leaving a house, city, or nation we called home, a damaged or missing beloved object, and other types of losses, including election losses, are born of our hardwired propensity to love, connect, and feel emotionally linked to people, places, and things. Love and loss are inextricably linked.


Most definitely cry your heart out

Have you ever had the sensation that you were depressed and wanted to weep, but you couldn't seem to get the tears to flow? I've certainly done so.

Experiencing sadness is not a sign of weakness. It's as human as a human being can possibly be. The lessons we acquired about sorrow from our families, communities, and cultures, on the other hand, have an impact on our connection with this fragile feeling. In homes where it was not safe to be sad because we were chastised for being needy, for example, we may evaluate our sorrow and put it aside. It is possible that if we are overwhelmed by losses and do not have adequate emotional support from a "safe other" to guide us through our sorrow, we will push away sadness out of fear of being overwhelmed once again. As an alternative, we may be quite content with our feelings of sorrow. Possibly our parents understood our sorrow, provided consolation, and helped us make sense of the agony we were experiencing. Alternatively, our parents or friends may have shown that it was OK to be sad by the way they talked about and showed their own sorrow.

Never weep because it's finished; instead, smile because it took place."

"Don't shed tears for someone who wouldn't shed tears for you."

"Everyone has his/her hidden pains that the rest of the world is unaware of; thus we frequently refer to a guy as chilly when he is just depressed."

"I believe I am constantly depressed. Perhaps this indicates that I am not depressed at all, since dejection is a lower level of emotion than your usual disposition, yet I am consistently the same."

In the event that anyone spoke to me or looked at me too closely, I knew the tears would flow from my eyes and the sobs would come out of my throat, and I'd cry for a week. "I didn't know why I was going to cry, but I knew that if anyone spoke to me or looked at me too closely, the tears would flow from my eyes and the sobs would come out of my throat, and I'd cry for a week.“I can’t eat and I can’t sleep. I’m not doing well in terms of being a functional human, you know?”

I keep going on because l know never is permanent.

The pain will heal and I will be stronger from it.

Anonymous Submit.



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